I'm trying to develop a Joomla 4 component and I almost completed it, but I have issues to save an item when the Alias is not Unique.
In the database, I've set up this:
ON rwl35_rwlevents
);In the Model (administrator/components/com_rwlevents/src/Model), I have this:
protected function prepareTable($table){ $date = Factory::getDate()->toSql(); $table->name = htmlspecialchars_decode($table->name, ENT_QUOTES); $table->check(); $table->generateAlias();}
Then, in the EventTable.php file, (/administrator/components/com_rwlevents/src/Table)
I have this code:
public function check(){ try { parent::check(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->setError($e->getMessage()); return false; } // Check the publish down date is not earlier than publish up. if ($this->publish_down > $this->_db->getNullDate() && $this->publish_down < $this->publish_up) { $this->setError(Text::_('JGLOBAL_START_PUBLISH_AFTER_FINISH')); return false; } // Set publish_up, publish_down to null if not set if (!$this->publish_up) { $this->publish_up = null; } if (!$this->publish_down) { $this->publish_down = null; } $this->alias = trim($this->alias); if (empty($this->alias)) { $this->alias = $this->name; } $this->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($this->alias); return true;}
Then, In the same file, I have a function to generate the Alias:
public function generateAlias(){ if (empty($this->alias)) { $this->alias = $this->name; } $this->alias = ApplicationHelper::stringURLSafe($this->alias, $this->language); if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $this->alias)) == '') { $this->alias = Factory::getDate()->format('Y-m-d-H-i-s'); } return $this->alias;}
But in the Admin, when I try to save an item with an Alias that already exists in the Database, I have:
Duplicate entry 'concert-au-3-arena' for key 'aliasindex'
How can I code this to say: "if this Alias already exists, then, do this..."?